Robin Ainsworth, DDS, MS, DABFO, ABGD
Robin A. Ainsworth, DDS, MS, D-ABFO, ABGD, FAGD, CAPT (ret) served on active duty with the United States Public Health Service for 21 years. Her dental forensic career began in 2001 when she was deployed to the OME NYC to aid in victim identification from the WTC. She was also deployed to Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina in 2005 for the same mission. Dr. Ainsworth augmented the AFMES with dental identifications of remains processed through Dover Port Mortuary/DAFB. She is board certified with the American Board of Forensic Odontology and the American Board of General Dentistry. Dr. Ainsworth earned an MS in Oral Biology from USUHS, in conjunction with completing a two-year Comprehensive Dental Residency. She completed a Fellowship in Forensic Odontology from the University of Texas HSC and earned her DDS from Ohio State University. She currently serves as an assistant clinical professor at Louisiana State University School of Dentistry.